Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Her first mani-pedi ~ Wordless (almost) Wednesday

Ok...I'll add a few words. Mia LOVED it! Two ladies had to do her nails b/c Mia didn't get the whole need to let her 'paint' dry thang. She was attentive and quiet during the process, but then she said with great enthusiasm, 'WOW. WOW. WOWWWWW! So shiney. So PINK. awwww my flowers on my toes! (they painted a delicate flower on each big toe nail)....Let's gooooo show Daddyyyyyyyyy!!!' Now that I've got a spa buddy, we'll be doing this again :)
Oh, one more thing. She narrowed the colors down to pink and blue for her mani, but she couldn't decide....I asked her which one, and she said 'bof' (both), so she got bof...alternating. When she showed them to her daddy, she said 'pink, blue, pink, blue....Daddy, what's next in the pattern?' She was totally quizzing him!

for more Wordless Wednesday shots go here
and here for more Special Exposure Wednesday

5 Minutes for Special Needs


Christina said...

Oh, I love it! She looks so serious about it. those tiny blue nails are adorable. And of course she has her magnifying glass, Hehe!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's a day ANY girl should celebrate! What a charming little girl you have there.

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

So precious! I love her pose in the last one!

Stephanie said...

Too cute!!!

Finding Normal said...

Love the magnifying glass!

Tricia said...

I love the nails. I was just thinking last night of taking my girls to do something fun like this.

Anonymous said...

How precious! I love that look of concentration on her face.

Anonymous said...

My girl and I have a back to school mani/pedi tradition. So fun.

Erin said...

That is darling! She looks so serious about it.

SimplyBillie said...

Super cute! I bet she loved being pampered!

misty said...

Awwww. She is too cute. Gorgeous pictures. Hope you have a great day. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

How fun! I have totally been thinking about doing this with my 4 year old. I know she'd get a kick out of it. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Drop in anytime!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute, believe it or not I've never had one. She looks so precious having everyone doing her nails. Was this a special event?

Kari said...

I love it. Absolutely gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Such cute photos! Oh, my gosh, that one with the magnifying glass- too cute!!!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

How absolutely adorable. You can definitely tell that she loved the special pampering time.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

These photos and moments are beyond precious! I LOVE her magnifying glass inspection and quizzing daddy.

It's so great to have you join Special Exposure. Hope to see more.

Not Just Any Jen said...

You've taken some wonderful photos! Mia is so cute getting her mani!

Unknown said...

So sweet! I can't wait to do girly stuff with my daughter.

Thanks for visiting today! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

How stinkin' cute!! I think my DH would flip if I gave Kaelin a mani (well, she is only 17 mos!!).

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Jenny said...

So cute! I love the alternating pink and blue!

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

She looks like she's having the most wonderful time! I cannot wait until I get to do that with my daughter!

Ane said...

How cute! I sure need one of a mani-pedi...Happy WW! thanks for stopping by!

Trish said...

How fun, and love the Elmo shirt! My son is totally into patterns as well and loves to find or make them.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

STOP IT...she is absolutely TOO stinkin' cute!!! I LOVE IT! I'm gald she enjoyed her special day!

Nice to meet ya!
Melissa in Mel's World

Anonymous said...

I find this Hi-larious! I cant believe she sat still for the pampering! Hope you got some much deserved pampering too mama!

Anonymous said...

This is adorable! You are never too young for a little pampering! Gettin' your nails done is serious business :) Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Tishia said...

Thanks for visiting my WW entry. These pictures are absolutely adorable! Wish I had a spa buddy but my son certainly wouldn't go for that...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Aww thats too sweet!

Momisodes said...

OMG! That is the cutest thing ever! Could you blame her for loving it? :)

Anonymous said...

Aawwww...what sweet little fingers and toes! She is adorable. Love the photo where she's posing, priceless!

Anonymous said...

So I know that I'll be head-over-heels in love if I have another boy, but darn if this post didn't make my heart leap a little about girly-dates! You can almost feel her concentration in that second picture! Thanks for sharing!

Susan Cook said...

wow looks like she had fun. I've never even had a pedicure or manicure- lol! Thanks for stopping by mine.

rickismom said...

quizing Daddy was nice!

Stacy said...

She looks like she was getting quite the pampering LOL! How sweet!

tangobaby said...

Omigod, that has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Made my day!

Thank you for visiting my blog and I look forward to seeing more of The Snapper. Too cute!

Bridge said...

that is adorable!!!!