Daryl took a much needed day off today, so we did a whole bunch of super fun stuff! First, the Austin Zoo. Daryl (mostly his bag of animal food) got assaulted by a goat! He caught it on video...see below. Mia LOVED all the animals and really enjoyed getting down on their level and speaking their language...to chickens she'd say bawk bawk, pigs..oink oink. goat..maaaa. Too cute. I think she was a little disapointed in the llama. He was nothing at all like the Llama in her books.
We were ready for lunch, so we hit Nutty Browns and Mia played in the sand pit for a little bit. Mostly, she enjoyed her ketchup with french fries. In order of importance...Ketchup, French Fries, pink lemonade....then grilled cheese sandwich. They've really done a lot to the place since the last time we were there. We're really looking forward to going in a few weeks when The Eggmen play. I had the chili pie! Nope, it didn't bother me at all. This pregnancy has been so much easier.
Mia managed to stay awake for the ride home. Before every nap or bedtime, we always gently ask 'do you want to sleep in your crib or in your big girl bed?'. Since November, when she slept in her BGB for two night, she's prefered her crib. Until today. She picked her BGB and took a pretty good nap! When she was done, she wiggled her door knob and little, and we were there to let her out. She seemed very happy with herself.
If you think that was it for the day...WRONG! A day 'o fun isn't complete without Chuck E Cheese! We had a delicious dinner of salad, fruit and pizza. Mia played games (she put her tokens in all by herself) and gave Chuck a high five. She traded her tickets in and went shopping for the following loot: a mini tootsie pop, a little plastic gold fish, some stick on body jewelry, and some Chuck stickers. She made out like a bandit. Oh, she also got a too precious for words tiara sippy cup.
Look Ma, no hands!
She's now tucked and happily asleep in her Big Girl Bed :)
Zoo footage (goat attack)
High Five
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