They were sweet and made blueberry pancakes for me this morning. Mia LOVES to stir and stir and stir.... She flipped a little bit then snuggled up with me while daddy finished cooking. Ahhhh breakfast in bed. Then Daryl took Mia shopping, so I had some alone time. I took a super long bath and read in bed. It was the BEST!
When they came home....a long time later, they brought my fav Pad Thai for lunch. Yum!, chocolates and a Djembabes CD! Yay me!!! After Mia's nap, we all played on the floor...forever! She wanted to play dress up, so I ran upstairs and brought down all her stuff. She wanted to wear it all at the same time, but ended up with a purple velvet and feather skirt (used as a top), a silver sequin skirt, a purple satin purse, silver sequin shoes and a coon skin hat! She's so much fun :)
The best part of the whole day was all the uninterrupted silly time I spent with my loving husband and daughter. I heart being a mudder.
Happy Mudder's day morphs into Happy Birthday while trying to wish her mama, Nana and Ita a Happy Mother's Day:
Sounds like the perfect day!!
I love the video!
I just love Mia.
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