Yesterday, we started the day off with Little Gym. Mia's friend, Sydney, was back in class and they bogarted the swinging bars the whole class. Good times.
Then off to Andrea and Sophia's place for an art playdate with other friends, too. The theme was fruit & veggie stamping. We all brought different stuff...starfruit, apples, sweet potatoes, zucchini... for the kids to paint and stamp. Andrea was super prepared and set up for this. She already had sheets of paper with the kid's names and date on them. I demonstrated to Mia how to dip the paint brush into the paint, paint the object of desire, and stamp her paper. Then I stepped back and let her have fun! The kids had a great time and made some beautiful art. Then off to the water table and washing tin. Andrea filled them up with soapy water, gave the kids wash cloths and let them get themselves clean/play... Once, clean the kids hit the backyard. Mia picked Allison as the Mama who was worthy enough for all the balls. Mia started this at Little Gym. When it's time for balls, she'll pick a mom (usually a different one every week) to hand deliver all the balls to. Well, yesterday, it was Allison's turn. So all the other girls got into it, too. Mia latched on to their dog, Gator...she's been into animals a lot lately. After a fun filled morning, we headed home for a long nap, while I got to get some work in. Good times.
After her nap, we went over to Suzy & Livies house for some for fun. On the drive over, Mia got very excited when I told her we were going to go play with Suzy & Livie. Mia now calls Suzy something very close to that, but she calls Livie Wibie...too cute. After some cupcakes and playtime, Mia really wanted to play with Charlie. Yes, she likes the dogs. Good times.
Our wonderful time came to an end when Dada called and said he was on his way home. We hopped in the car and met Dada at home. Yay Dada!!!
Mia painting a sweet potato
out of Livie's tent that Mia calls a tunnel Hanging with Charlie
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