I think I did a pretty good job packing for the four(I'm including Niles)of us when we went down to my moms for Thanksgiving. The ONLY thing I forgot while re-packing for our trip back home was the battery charger for my camera. I've been without my camera for the whole week, and it's been killing me!!!! We've been to several playdates, had silly fun with the wii...oh how I could have captured the moment after Daryl asked me if I wanted to play a game, but I couldn't because I had so much work to catch up on, so from upstairs I hear him telling Mia, 'ok, Mia, hold the controller like this....' I've also had to rely on the pics of others. I'm so fortunate that there are a few moms out there that feel as compelled to snap at cute things as much as I do. The big news of today...well, MY news, was that my sweet mom shipped my charger to me, and I got it today!!!! The battery is charging as we speak. Ahhh, I can exhale and relax now. Thanks mom! :)
Monday, we were scheduled to hang out at a park with friends, but Melissa moved it to her house because it had been wet the day before. So, we had a silly fun time over there with our friends. I caught a few snaps (my battery wasn't dead then) of all the kids playing. A funny moment was when Blake wanted to come inside, but the girls weren't sure if he should come in. Looks like the 'boys not allowed' sign may be coming up soon :) I've posted some pic on our bubbleshare account...you'll find the link below. It amazes me how much these kids are getting away from parallel play, and really interacting with each other. Mia chased Livie around the kitchen island, there was some silly tickle time between Livie and Mia... they are all noticing each other and seeking out their friends to play with. It's so nice to sit back and watch. That night there was another MNO at The Melting Pot. We had a wonderful time chatting, eating, drinking, and laughing, laughing, laughing. This was Melissa's first time out at night by herself without Gwen, so it was an extra special night. On Tuesday we met up with some friends at the Brush Creek park for a Leaf Hunt. The kids started off by playing on the playscape, took a break for a snack, and then we all hit the trail in search of different leaves. Mia was very interested in the rocks and pebbles, the leaves...not so much. We did end up at the pond on the little dock enjoying the ducks, but kicking ourselves for not bringing some bread so the kids could get a better look. It was such a beautiful day, and we took advantage of it. At least a couple of afternoons a week, after their naps, Mia and Kayli hang out. It's so convenient having a friend right around the corner. The girls get along better and better each time. Kayli, when she first sees Mia, runs toward her squealing...that does not sit well with Mia, but yesterday, Mia smiled back and gave her a big hug. Kayli also has two cats that sometimes let Mia play with them. Mia hearts cats :)
Are we just on Wednesday?!?! After spending a wonderful hour singing, playing and making music at Heartsong, we hopped over to Juliet and Blake's for a playdate. The usually characters were there, and also Sarah and her sweet Gwyneth who we hadn't seen since our lunch at ikea forever ago. Gwyneth will be 1 year old in a couple of weeks and is trying her hardest to walk. When they first joined the group, Gwyneth was just around 7 months old, and was the baby of the group. So it's super cool watching her cruise around. I was able to commandeer Juliet's camera, so many pics were taken, but she hasn't posted them yet. I'll add them to the playdate album when I get them.
Today is Thursday and we started it off with swimming lessons. Mia is a fish. There. It's been said :) We're transitioning her for her next class, so she does all her 'swims' with Miss Chantal, and goes through the stations with me. Mia now digs her flippers and even lets me put the floating dumbbells under her arms...she used to HATE them. Today, they had little kick boards out, and Mia hung out on them stopping only to switch to a different color. She's gone up to swimming for 10 seconds under water all by herself. Please keep in mind they count seconds tho good ole one one thousand, two one thousand...way!
Then a lunch of a yummy grilled cheese and we hit the library. Mia met two 4 year old boys that tolerated her quite well :) She's now taking her nap, and I'm off to do some work.
playdate pics here (scroll until you get to Blake peeking through very colorful plush rings. That's the starting pic and I've added the leaf playdate pics after those)
On Saturday, my mom made some of her fabulous Swedish pancakes. I've always loved mine with butter and syrup, Daryl opted to fill his with bacon, and mom had ligonberry jam in hers. I think it was the first time that Mia got a taste of them...but not the last. Daryl, Mia and I went to the museum of art after Mia's nap. Now, the last time I'd been there was when I was an intern during my Senior year of college...about 15 years ago! My has it grown and changed. It was a totally different museum. One thing that hadn't changed was their annual Christmas Tree Forest, a competition and exhibit. Mia and I really liked the Alice in Wonderland tree...Mia even tried to eat a cookie, but didn't get huge or shrink :) There was a very colorful Dia de los Muertosexhibit and an awesome kids science area. There also was a piece that had a group of colorful pieces of wood that made different sounds when you touch them. Check out the video! We hung out there for a while. Then off to the playground. Even though it was chilly, Mia wanted to play. We met my mom at the Cornerstone Grill for a nice late lunch, and Mia loved her chicken fingers and mac n cheese. Then back home to hangout in the garden for a little bit. Mia helped her Ita pick a couple of oranges and limes from her trees, and gather a few pecans that had fallen.
Once we were all warm and toasty inside, Ita brought out some play things she'd picked up for Mia. Some plastic food that Mia could 'cut' with a plastic knife and cutting board, but the BEST thing was the stove with pots & pans. Mia happily played with that forever! While she was cooking she warned us it was 'hot'. We think the garlic, mushroom and egg soup was tasty, but a little on the peppery side :)
Mia and her Ita colored for a while on the little desk that I used when I was little. It's so cute how her little feet can't touch the floor and just dangle there.
Friday morning, Daryl and I again had the pleasure of sleeping in. When we finally were able to get downstairs, a breakfast tea party was in full force! Mom had brought out both Mia's Peter Rabbit tea set and picnic set. Along with their tea, they were enjoying some yummy Cheerios :) Then we drove out and spent the whole day at my Aunt Penny and Uncle Joe's ranch in Star County. It's a working 1,800 acre ranch with I forgot how many head of Beefmaster cattleWe hadn't been since last Christmas, and one huge difference was that we were their only company today...last Christmas, the house was FULL of family. So, we were able to relax and hang out. They have two large ranch dogs that help work the cattle, but quite a few little chiuaua dogs that were just as interested in Mia as she was in them. After being greeted by all the dogs and a couple of cats, it was hard getting Mia into the house. It was drizzling, so we couldn't stay out long. Once inside, we gave our hugs and kisses to Aunt Penny and Uncle Joe. The guys hung out around the TV watching the UT/A&M game. Daryl is a huge UT fan, and Uncle Joe, well, is an Aggie. So, Daryl sat in a room with burgundy curtains, and a pool table with burgundy felt...similar to Tom's UT burnt orange table :)
Mia was mesmerized by all of the Christmas decorations Aunt Penny had already put up. She had a tree in every room decorated in different themes. In the dinning room was 'Christmas around the world', in the downstairs guest bedroom, there was the candy Santa with a candy tree, and the dresser was decked out in gingerbread houses and gingerbread men, in the front living room was the cowboy Santa, in the second living room was Santa's workshop, and teddy bear emporium. Aunt Penny had all her little Christmas books out.
After some exploring, Mia and I settled into the gingerbread room for a nap. She was a little keyed up from all the exciting things, so I rubbed her back and gently shhhhhhed her while she was lovingly touching my face and hair. When I thought she was asleep, I turned over to settle in for my nap when I felt Mia's tiny hand on my back...she rubbed and shhhhhed ME gently to sleep :) At some point, she also fell asleep. It was such a sweet moment. We hadn't napped together since she was a little nursling. Once we were up and around, Aunt Penny, Mia and I bundled up and headed outside. It wasn't drizzling anymore, but it still was chilly. All those little dogs were around Mia and she just loved it. We met Dumbo the little 4 month old puppy with the biggest ears. Then out to check on Mama Thumbelina and her 3 little 4 week old pups. We have dibs on the fuzzy, one, but Daryl probably won't think it would be a good idea. Then on the the chicken coop to see their chickens. Some of the teenage cattle were in one of the front pens, so Mia was able to visit with them for a bit. She also found some of the JMJ cattle brands, and had a good ole time making marks in the dirt. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed all those dogs the best.
When we got back into the house, Mia couldn't find her Ita. She wandered from room to room calling out for her Ita. We found her napping upstairs. Mia decided it was time for her Ita to wake up and play with some of Aunt Penny's hats. Well, the Aggies won :( Soon after it was time to pack up and give our hugs and kisses and love yous. Mia was so worn out, she barely made it through a delicious brisket and mashed potato dinner and her bath before she went out like a light. More pics here The Ranch:
We're back home and eager to share some of our Thanksgiving escapades.
I was so excited about the trip to the valley, that I could only sleep about 3 hours Tuesday night. We planned on leaving early Wednesday, but Daryl had to do some very important work, so Mia and I took our time finishing up with the packing. We did end up getting on the road around 3pm, but we were one the road :) Sweet Mia was fantastic through the first leg of the trip. We took a Dairy Queen dinner break in Three Rivers. Mia was so thrilled to get out of the car that she spun in circles and hopped all over the restaurant. She had her first taste of watered down pink lemonade. She's quite fond of the 'ade'.
We finally rolled into McAllen around 11pm. The last 15 minutes were pretty hard for Mia. She cried and squirmed a bit, but was thrilled when we pulled up to Ita's house. My mom was up waiting for us, so Mia got some love/play time in the garden room (looking out into the gardens, mom had already put up all her Christmas lights on the trees. It was so beautiful) before bedtime. My mom bought a beautiful crib from one of her friends who's children had outgrown it, and had it all ready for the sleepy girl.
Thanksgiving morning Mia was up before the birds. My mom was awakened by the charming little voice saying 'hi', and there was Mia standing up in her crib ready to start the day. Daryl and I were able to sleep late and that's always a good thing. Later, Mia helped her Ita make some cranberry sauce while I made the stuffing. Then we all piled in the car for my cousin Michelle's home.
Michelle and her husband Rick have 4 children. Kat 14 (Katarina), Kristina 11, Richie 8 (Richard) and Ryan 4. Mia and Ryan gravitated towards each other and he had a blast showing her their 2 turtles, 1 bunny (Oreo), and 2 dachshunds (Simba and Shorty). Kristina's room was very 'girl', and I think Mia preferred Ryan's room that was full of Legos, horses and cars.
In the family room, Richie challenged Daryl to a game of Foosball, and it got pretty crazy (on Richie's side), and I'm still not clear as to who won. Ryan showed Mia their train table and pulled out some Mega Bloks for her. What Mia was really interested in was their swimming pool! Dada was always on Mia patrol while she was outside. She even got him to give her a good spin.
The lunch was so yummy. Michelle cooked up a fabulous turkey, ham, mashed potatoes. We brought the stuffing and cranberries, Ricky's sister, Nora, brought a great salad and sweet sweet potatoes. There were butter rolls, green bean salad, mac n cheese and broccoli & rice casserole. YUMMY!!!! Nora's 3 children were there, too. They and Michelle's kids went on and on about how Mia tried and liked everything that was on their plate. She's always been such a non-picky eater.
While the kids played, the adults chatted and football was watched. Michelle, had colorful sheets of paper for the kids to color on and she helped Mia make her very first hand turkey. Mia was thrilled and was very aware that her turkey said gobble gobble. Then it was time for pie!!! I'm a fan of pumpkin with cool whip, and so is Mia. I think she would have been a fan of any pie, though.
We have out all our thank yous, hugs and kisses...Mia added her love yous, and we piled back in the car. Ryan came out to make sure he said good bye to Mia, and when he took off back inside, Mia was a little said and kept saying 'hug you'. She just wanted to give him another hug :)
Home for seconds from the left-overs then naps for everyone. After our short naps (I could have slept till the next day but Mia's excited squeal woke me up) :) we hung out in the garden room, talking and Mia paraded around in her piggy slippers and dragon hat. She's an avid butt bouncer, and she even shopped a little with her fake food and little grocery cart (thanks Michelle).
....is something I don't have much experience with, and Mia's Christmas gifts are no exception. I ordered some stuff...to get a jump on things, they came in, and they've already been given to the snapper. The microphone was to take her mind off her bee sting, and her scooter came in yesterday. It lasted about 18 hrs in the house before I broke down and gave it to her. She had no idea what was in the box, she wasn't even curious about the box. If the darn box would have been in the garage, I probably would not have given it to her...but we'll never know now :) Today is her 22nd month birthday :)
This whole thing is really causing me to wonder just how my parents waited until Santa came to present us with gifts. How did they DO it? I've rationalized to myself that Mia has no concept of Christmas, gifts...she never asks for anything in the store...so, why wait till that morning more than a MONTH away. Also, she has a little cold and not able to hang with her friends. Now, I do have to mention that my mom has already sent her Christmas gift to Mia...a nifty kitchen...that is still in it's box. I have absolutely no desire to give that to Mia. It's just not mine to give. Daryl will assemble it once Mia's in bet Christmas Eve, and she'll be surprised with it in the morning. Her Ita will be here to see it, too.
It's probably a little too big, but when Caroline (my charge once upon a time ago) was Mia's age now, she was fully able to master her big sister's scooter. I have plans for Mia to hang with the little neighbor boy who scoots around on his scooter. Mia stood on it and bounced up and down hoping that would get her moving. She got off, pushed it forward then got back on. Priceless.Super safe with her Dora (she picked out) helmet, knee and elbow pads. She was sooooo cute when she had them on, standing on her scooter. Waiting for something to propel her forward. She would hang out on it for a while, then take a break, but she kept coming back to it, so I'm pretty sure she likes it.
p.s. Daryl already received and has played with the wii I bought for him. :)
When it was time for bed last night, we laid Mia on her new big girl bed while Dada was putting on her jammie bottoms. We gave her her milk, poodle dog, covered her with her blankie, kissed her good night, turned on her music and walked right out of her room closing the door behind us. What followed? Not a peep. 30 minutes later, I went in to check on her. She was asleep on her bed. Right before Daryl and I went to bed, I went in to check on her again...the mattress we cot for her is too tall for the bed rail, so it was pretty much flush with her mattress. There she was with her little head laying on the rail, still sleeping, she tried to adjust herself, but kept resting her head on the rail. I scooted her over, and she was fine.
I had expected this transition from crib to bed to take about a month. Nope! Daryl kept laughing at me because I was more worked up about it than she was. Maybe 'I' need a month to make the transition!! Where has our baby or even little girl gone?!?!
This morning, she slept late. When I heard her stirring, I went upstairs and stood by her door. She was on the other side of her closed door gently tapping and saying 'hello'. I slowly opened the door, but she was a little in the way, it took some maneuvering by her to get the door open, then she popped her head around the door and squealed 'boo!'
Later, we went out for a bed rail that would work better, and when we got home she sneezed and made a pretty descent snot bubble :) She does in fact have a little cold. I'm glad we didn't hit the playdate at Melissa & Gwen's this morning. We share our toys, but not our germs! :) Daryl loved this little snip of one of the long Big Girl Bed videos. He asked if I could edit it and post it again for those (other than the Grandparents) who didn't want to sit through almost 20 min of Mia playing.
The other day I blogged a little about going to get Mia's toddler bed, this morning, Mia had her first experience exploring it. I started filming and I just couldn't stop. So, if you watch the whole thing (cut into 2 parts because of length), you'll see Mia in the morning, with her morning froggy voice, her cuteness, and playfulness.
In case you didn't know, her favorite number is 8 :)
After running a few errands yesterday morning, we went out to Dripping Springs to Nana & Paw Paw's house to visit and pick up the snapper. When Daryl and I were getting out of the car, I could hear a faint noise of either a little child laughing or screaming....sure enough, once we go through the house and onto the back porch, there was little Mia laughing so hard she was shrieking! She was out there playing with her Nana, Aunt Janice, Buba and Bug. She was playing a game with the dogs where she'd kind of go after them, then turn around and run back to her Nana or Aunt Janice shrieking because the dogs were going to 'get her'. Then she saw her Mama and Dada, and gave us big kisses and hugs, then went back to playing. She...and everyone else were so happy.
Chalking her cue like a pro
Tom and Dee brought some very tasty and expensive brie back from their trip to Europe, and Mia thought the mold on top was icing and the white cheesy part was the cake. She said 'happy to you', so everyone sung Happy Birthday to her, and she ate the 'cake'. From what was left of it, Mia had requested cake a few times that weekend.
Struttin' around with her cow pack-pack
Mia showed us some new tricks that she'd learned out there. She climbed into a deck chair and butt bounced (with her new cow pack-pack attached to her), chalked her own little cue, and she even tried to squash a bee. No, actually she walked on one, and it stung the bottom of her foot. She cried, we washed her feet off, Nana was super smart and put her teething gel on the spot because it has wonderful benzocaine in it. Mia wouldn't have anything to do with an ice pack. Paw Paw investigated the spot with his flashlight and magnifying glass, but couldn't find a stinger. She just moaned and cried in my arms the poor thing. We have her some benadryl and she'd already has some Motrin a little earlier (teething...part of her last tooth popped out!), so we just waited till the medicines kicked in. Mia wanted to watch football on tv and snuggle. Paw Paw has a new rule: Mia is not to be outside without her shoes on. :)
Diggin' for gold
teething on a tothbrush
She just couldn't’t stop wiggling in the car. It was like she wanted out of her own skin. We gave Mia a warm bath when we got home, and that seemed to relax her a little bit. We gave her milk and put her down in her crib, and she fussed till she cried that cry that means ‘I am NOT going to sleep…pick me up NOW!’
Paw Paw and Mia relax
So, we tried to watch Shrek, she had no interest. I got her a play microphone this weekend for Xmas….well, we needed some help, so we broke that out. It gave her something to focus on besides her foot. She tried to stand on it, and just looked at me with this pained face…this is WRONG, Mama! She sat with us a while longer, then she tried again, but this time, she walked on her heel keeping her toes up along with the middle of her foot. She hobbled over to her train, and played with that for a little bit. Then all of a sudden the medicine hit her and she was walking on it without a problem, rubbing her eyes and saying nite nite. The pain was probably so intense for her that it took that long for the meds to bring it down. Once we got her back in bed, she was out like a light.
Mia's red & swollen bee stung foot
This morning, she woke up just fine, and when asked about her boo boo on her foot...she pointed to the wrong one. Good sign! I opted out of our playdate at the zoo this morning and a Thanksgiving craft playdate at Auntie M's this afternoon. After the exciting and fun filled weekend with her Nana, Paw Paw, Memaw and Aunt Janice, this tuckered out little girl needed a slow and relaxed Monday.
What we've been up to since we've been snapperless: Friday: I went and got a bang cut with Corrine the hair goddess at JR Salon, then went up to GCS to hang with Daryl and take him out to dinner. After some pasta and wine, we were so exhausted from the week, we went home, curled up on the sofa and watched Knocked Up. Saturday: we started the day of right with pan dulce (marranito & empanada de calavasa) and migas for me and huevos rancheros for Daryl at this very awesome hole in the wall Mexican restaurant. Then off to ikea in search of a toddler bed for Mia. She showing small signs of being ready to make the jump from her crib to big girl bed. She'll come up and tell me when she's ready for nite nite or start going up the stairs saying nite nite. We're going to keep her in her crib, but have the other bed all set up in her room for her to check out and use when she wants to. Tom was going to make the side rails to turn her crib into a toddler bed, but we want to leave it intact so she won't feel pressured, and we'll need the crib for our next little one, then use the side rail option. He's a great Paw Paw! So, we found a cute bed at ikea, and Daryl put the bed together while I went back to the JR Salon for my color work. It was nice to have a few hours out and about all alone :) Then we were reunited. We had hopes of hitting a burlesque show at the Alamo Draft House, but it was sold out, so we went and saw Dan in Real Life. It was cute and funny. Ya know, I like to eat things that are pretty spicy, but when I'm at the Draft House, I am drawn to their Enter the Dragon pizza . It's hot, hot, hot! With green peppers, jalapenos, spicy sausage, black olives and crushed red pepper. It makes my heart race and my nose run....hot and oh, so yummy! p.s. don't touch your eyes after handling this pizza :) Today: I'm sitting here drinking my chai, then it's off to finish Mia room, hit Lenscrafters so they can tweak Daryl's glasses, then on to Dripping Springs to see our SNAPPER!!!!...and everyone else, too :)
Nana & Paw Paw came by yesterday to wisk the snapper away for a fun-filled weekend in Dripping Springs. Now, I had the day planned out. Spend the whole morning hanging with my best girl having fun around the house, just the two of us...no classes, no playdates, no errands... have a nice lunch together, after her nap, we'd snuggle and read books until her Nana & Paw Paw came by at 3. Well, we did have a very nice morning together, then all of a sudden, she looked at me and said 'nite, nite'. So, I tucked her into bed for her nap. Just before she woke up, Nana & Paw Paw arrived at the agreed upon time....not too early, but they were in a rush because traffic was bad...Friday before Thanksgiving, people were already on the road. So, I got the snapper ready, and brought her downstairs. She was so THRILLED to she them waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, and before I knew it, instructions were given, she was snug in her car seat with juice and a snack, and then she was waving goodbye to me as they drove off. Transition has always been hard for me, but I think her leaving for the weekend was a little harder this time...for me, not her :) That's what Daryl and I have always wanted. Ever since she was a baby, we handed her off to everyone in hopes that she'd be confident and comfortable with different people and in different situations. It also warms my heart to see how excited she gets and ready she is to hang out with all of her Grandparents. I think this is something that I need to learn: Make plans, but expect surprises. I know she's having a great time (Nana's letter is attached), but I sure do miss seeing the world through her bright eyes.
Sent: Fri 11/16/2007 9:57 PM Subject: The Mia Saga
You have raised the most amazing, sweet girl!! Mia is such a treasure. She didn't really like the ride to Nana's and PawPaw's house. Thank goodness we had to stop at the store. She quite definitely wanted an apple, so we bought about 20 of them. No worries - MiMaw will eat the ones Mia doesn't want. She loved the ride in the car shopping cart. She was turning that steering wheel like a race car driver. It's been awhile since she's seen us, but she was so sweet - she played with me for the rest of the ride home and we sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Row Row Row Your Boat until we were hoarse. If we stopped, she wanted OUT NOW. But we made it home, where the dogs and the chickens made her totally forget she wasn't happy in the car. Oh, and we got some good, Grandparent crap food (well, not SO bad) baby fruit candy with the sugar from grape juice that she absolutely refused to share and stuffed in her mouth like she's been hanging around Unca Joe too much!!!! She ran to MiMaw and gave her the biggest hug and kiss when she got into the house. She didn't really remember Aunt Janice, but warmed up rapidly to her (don't we all?) PawPaw and Janice colored and colored and colored. And Nana put on the Elmo computer game and the Eebee song, so Mia was a VERY happy camper. Aunt Janice made her world famous chicken soup (with bean beans, corn, and carrots) and Mia put away a world champion amount. Then it was on to swimming (in the bathtub), stories in Nana's lap, hugs with MiMaw and Aunt Janice, wrapping herself around PawPaws little finger, and in general just being so sweet!! At 8:15 (way too early) she looked at us and said MILK and Nite Nite. Sure enough, a warm sippy cup of milk and her little poodle and she was out like a light. I just don't know if it gets better than that!! At the moment, she is out cold - sharing a room with Aunt Janice, who has been schooled in how to fix the milk sippy cup should Miss Mia wake during the night. Coupled with the baby monitor, I'm not sure Mia could more than turn over before we would be at her side. Thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to share some special time with Mia. She is such a joy!!
The proudest Nana in the world. (Yep - that's me!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sent: Sat 11/17/2007 12:32 PM Subject: Mia Saga Part Deux
Mia had such a busy morning. After sleeping all night, she sat up at 7:30 this morning in Janice's room and said "Hello". Janice was asleep and didn't answer, but PawPaw heard her on the monitor and got her up. She had an omlette with peppers and cheese and some toast for breakfast. Then it was time to start the day. PawPaw had already gotten her diaper changed and she was dressed! Who knew he'd remember how to do that?
We started the morning with a 45 minute bout of swinging. Mia LOVED it. The dogs weren't as happy because they kept trying to catch her and she would bowl them over. Too funny. But a kitty came along next door which probably saved the dogs a lot of pain and bother and gave them something to catch besides Mia. After swinging, Mia put sticks and grass in the pond and laid on her tummy to ponder where the fish and frogs were while PawPaw did some minor pond repair. Then it was time for a long walk all the way around the property. The grass is so tall in the back, but Tom had mowed us a walking path. Mia thought she was going through the longest tunnel!
Back to the house, and time for back yard playing with Aunt Janice. Mia played with her slide, hugged the dogs, chased the kitty (it's a stray but seems to want to be around us!) swatted flies, laughed and crawled. Off to lunch (more of Aunt Janice's wonderful soup) and then Mia said Nite Nite. Yep - sure enough she fell sound asleep instantly. More to follow.....
Yesterday, at the park, Mia was NOT happy sporting the post-slide-static dandelion look.
Last night I hosted a Mom's Night Out Poker Party. Stephanie, Bonnie, and Geni came and were ready to play, so we had a great game. Mia went out for dinner with her Dada, then had a snuggle and a kiss from me, then off to bed. Geni would have had and amazing hand if it wasn't for that 'silly red four', and I think we all said 'is it me?' when we weren't sure if it was our turn, but everyone else knew it was, and the best was 'I'm not the dealer, am I?' We laughed, ate and drank. It really was a great time, and I've been requested to host it on a monthly basis :)
We had swim class this morning. Now, since Mia's been promoted to the next level next session, I was wondering how she'd do with the transition from me being in the pool with her to me hanging out on the other side of the glass with the other mamas of big kids. Miss Chantal thought it would be good to start transitioning her now, so she pulled Mia in and Mia swam to her instead of me, and Mia was great about it. She swam her 8 seconds underwater, came up into Miss Chantal's arms, had a big smile on her face, gave Miss Chantal a huge high five and started laughing. Apparently the only one that may have a hard time transitioning is ME! :)
Juliet and Blake opened up their home for a playdate this morning. Mia was so happy to see her friends Blake, Phoebe and Gwen again. She's been to Blake's a few times, so she felt very comfortable. She tried dried mango (thanks Cheng) for the first time and LOVED i! Mia stuffed her cheeks like a chipmunk with them. She also tried a juice box for the first time, and in case you're wondering what happens when you squeeze them....juice flies all over the place. So, we had our first juice box clean up, too :) Mia and Blake had a blast banging on the trash can like rock 'n rollers. Phoebe's grandma made everyone in their family beanie caps for the cold weather, but Phoebe didn't really care for hers, so Cheng put it on Mia. Well, we all know how much that one LOVES hats. So she wore it for a while and was very content. Once Mia got a little tired, she started getting a little pushy so we bid farewell and headed for home. On our way home, we stopped off at our mailbox, and found two Thanksgiving cards from Unca Joe, Auntie M and little Gwen. Mia liked the turkey and said that the turkey says 'gobble gobble'. She was also quite fond of the Cookie Monster :)